

Obtained license for kimono dressing. Dresses kimono for ceremonial occasions.

Started YiShuiKong in:


I started YiShuiKong because:

I was invited by a friend to join a trial lesson, and was captivated by an elegant dance by Master Lin.

My passion for YiShuiKong

I hope to provide lessons where my students can leave the class with smiles.

What changed after starting YiShuiKong?

My body became stronger.
I'm more aware of my health.
I regularly think about abdominal breathing (being aware of dan tien).
I practice YiShuiKong everyday.

What is the appeal of YiShuiKong?

  1. A unique health method that incorporates Chinese court's secret breathing technique and martial arts.
  2. Nurturing a strong mentality.
  3. Cleansing your inner self through balancing the body, breath, and mind.
  4. Imagining an elegant dance as you do the forms.

Teaching in:

In-person (Tokyo)